Gall Bladder

Suffering From Gall Bladder Stone?

Don’t worry, we are here to help you get rid of Gallbladder stones in the Ayurvedic way.

Ayurvedic treatment of Gallbladder stones is an effective and simple way to cure kidney stones completely without any side effects. Contact us for Ayurvedic Gallbladder stones treatment.

Know more about Gall Bladder stones

Gallbladder stones or gallstones are like tiny rebellious pebbles that form in your gallbladder, the little organ under your liver that’s supposed to help with digestion. Imagine if your body’s plumbing system decided to throw a tantrum and create rock-hard bits of cholesterol or bilirubin instead of just doing its job. These pint-sized troublemakers can block the ducts that ferry bile to your intestines, causing pain that feels like a ninja kick to your gut. Gallstones form when the mix of bile’s ingredients goes haywire, turning into these pesky crystals. Some folks might carry them around without even noticing, while others feel like they’ve swallowed a bag of gravel. So, if you’re feeling those sharp jabs and wondering what’s going on, it’s probably those tiny gallstone gremlins wreaking havoc. Understanding them is your first step to kicking them out for good!

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Types of gallstone

Cholesterol stones – A cholesterol stone is a hardened mass of cholesterol that forms in the gallbladder.

Pigment stone – any dark brown-to-black stone, consisting of calcium salts of bilirubin, phosphate, carbonate and other anions, and can be separated into carbonate- and noncarbonate-containing groups.

Symptoms of Gallbladder

  • Abdominal pain (typically in the upper right side).
  • Biliary colic (sudden, intense pain due to stone blockage).
  • Nausea and vomiting.  Indigestion, especially after fatty meals.
  • Back pain between the shoulder blades.
  • Bloating and excess gas.
  • Changes in bowel movements (diarrhea or pale stools).
Common factor of pcod
Common factor of kidney stone image 1
Common factor of pcod
Common factor of kidney stone image 1

What are the responsible for Gall Bladder stones?

  • Diet – High cholesterol and low fiber intake can contribute to stone formation.
  • Weight: Obesity can elevate cholesterol levels in bile, increasing the risk.
  • Rapid Weight Loss:Quick weight loss, whether through diet or surgery, can disrupt bile balance.
  • Age:Gallstones become more common with advancing age.
  • Genetics:A family history of gallstones can raise the risk.
  • Medical Conditions:Conditions like diabetes and liver disease can increase susceptibility.

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Complication due to gall bladder stones?

If gallstones cause no symptoms, you rarely need any treatment.

Complications that may require prompt medical treatment include:

biliary colic – a gallstone can move from the body of the gallbladder into its neck (cystic duct), leading to obstruction. Symptoms include severe pain and fever

inflammation of the gallbladder (cholecystitis) – a gallstone blocks the gallbladder duct, leading to infection and inflammation of the gallbladder. Symptoms include severe abdominal pain, nausea and vomiting

jaundice – if a gallstone blocks a bile duct leading to the bowel, trapped bile enters the person’s bloodstream instead of the digestive system. The bile pigments cause a yellowing of the person’s skin and eyes. Their urine may also turn orange or brown

pancreatitis – inflammation of the pancreas, caused by a blocked bile duct low down near the pancreas. Pancreatic enzymes irritate and burn the pancreas and leak out into the abdominal cavity

cholangitis – inflammation of the bile ducts, which occurs when a bile duct becomes blocked by a gallstone and the bile becomes infected. This causes pain, fever, jaundice and rigors (shaking)

infection of the liver

cancer of the gallbladder (occurs rarely).

Treatment for gallstones

Gallstones that cause no symptoms, generally don’t need any medical treatment. In certain cases (such as abdominal surgery for other conditions), doctors may remove your gallbladder if you are at high risk of complications of gallstones.

What makes Vedikacure Ayurveda 's treatment best for Gall bladder stone?

100% Organic and natural treatment

Experienced panel of doctors

Customized medication for every patient

Free Customized diet plan

Regular follow up

no side effects